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Mafia Wiki

Vargas Paintings are a collectible in Mafia III.


Alberto Vargas was a noted Peruvian painter of pin-up girls and is often considered one of the most famous of the pin-up artists. Numerous Vargas paintings have sold and continue to sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars. He became widely noted in the 1940s as the creator of iconic World War-II era pin-ups for Esquire magazine known as "Varga Girls." Between 1940 and 1946 Vargas produced 180 paintings for the magazine. In 1960 he was commissioned by Hugh Hefner to make monthly pinups for Playboy magazine, creating over 150 in the following two decades.


Vargas Paintings are a series of thirty three framed paintings found around New Bordeaux. They are available form the start of the game except where noted and may be collected anytime the player is free to explore the game map.


Barclay Mills[]

Delray Hollow[]


French Ward[]

  • Painting #3 in the office of Un Belle Jardin.
  • Painting #14 in the main bar area at Big Mouth Jazz Club.
  • Painting #25 in the office at Big Mouth Jazz Club.
  • Painting #32 behind the bar at Un Belle Jardin.

Frisco Fields[]

Pointe Verdun[]

River Row[]


Tickfaw Harbor[]

North Lake[]
